My Experience At Comic-Con North East

Alex Paine

Since becoming a fan of Doctor Who as a kid and later on other TV and film series like Red Dwarf, I’ve been intermittently going to conventions and events for about ten years now. Of course, I had to combat the balance between autographs and kids’ pocket money (which I […]

Keyframe 140 – Let’s Talk About Conventions


One of the highlights of any anime fan’s calendar is the convention, where like-minded people gather together to cosplay, shop, listen to panels, enjoy the atmosphere, and even possibly meet the odd voice actor. They’ve become a staple of anime communities all over the world, but could they be better? […]

World Wide Weeab Pilot


Welcome to World Wide Weeab. With the continuing rise of anime and manga, conventions sprouting like weeds and the never-ending quest for the best waifu, we take you through some of the news and events from the realms of the otaku. As this is a pilot episode we would love […]