Adam Faith in What a Whopper! Pop Screen 124


What was the British pop movie like before The Beatles? They were quite a lot like What a Whopper, as Graham and Mark discover this week. A featherweight farce in which a struggling writer and his bohemian friends try to fake a Loch Ness Monster sighting – just go with it, OK – it features a plethora of British comedy legends, a script by Dalek creator Terry Nation, and, as its lead, one Adam Faith.

It’s easy to forget what a massive name Faith was in his heyday, and our hosts examine every aspect of his wild career, from his other acting roles in Budgie and Beat Girl through his career in financial advice to his delightful last words. We also discuss the real-life Loch Ness Monster hoaxes that may have inspired Nation’s script, the tragic life of female lead Carol Leslie, the film’s not-wholly-unstereotypical vision of Scotland and the state of Michael Winner’s finances. It’s a monster of an episode!

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Episode 124: Adam Faith in What a Whopper!

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