It’s way, way down the list of the important consequences of #MeToo, but the fact that so many actresses are now also prominent activists is having a subtle effect on the way we interpret film authorship. In the traditional auteurist sense, Allure is un film de Carlos and Jason Sanchez, […]
Graham Williamson
Metropolitan (1990) Whit Stillman’s Comedy of High Society Manners (Review)
It’s always a risk for a film to give you too many pointers about how to read it; most people like to work that out for themselves. But I was very charmed by a moment about halfway into Whit Stillman’s 1990 debut Metropolitan – reissued on Region 2 Blu-Ray by […]
Early Hou Hsiao-hsien: Three Films 1980-1983 (Review)
“Success is elusive. Something lost is difficult to find. Progress takes time.” That quote comes from the last film on Eureka Masters of Cinema’s new Blu-Ray collection of early Hou Hsaio-Hsien films, 1983’s The Boys From Fengkuei. After watching all three films in the set, it’s hard not to interpret […]
La Chinoise (1967) More fun than the dry, doctrinaire Godard it is accused of being (Review)
There’s no greater feeling of kinship than learning someone shares your hot take, so let’s start this review of Arrow Academy’s Blu-Ray of La Chinoise by praising one of the extras – a great, informative, witty discussion of the film by Denitza Bantcheva. Listening to Bantcheva, I finally felt like […]
Twin Peaks The Return Episode 18 (The Rewatch)
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 18 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS WHAT IS YOUR NAME? LA-based viewers of the Twin Peaks finale felt unsettled when Dale Cooper drove up to Eat At Judy’s. This isn’t an unusual feeling when watching Twin Peaks: rewatching this episode, I felt deeply uncomfortable waiting for the […]
Twin Peaks The Return Episode 17 (The Rewatch)
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 17 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS THE PAST DICTATES THE FUTURE David Lynch once admitted to being “fascinated” by the spread of grey hair on his head. As responses to the ageing process go, it’s not one that’s widely shared. Yet you can see its benefits all over […]
Sleeping Dogs (1977) a dystopia so stark it makes Mad Max look like Mad Max: Fury Road (Review)
The first time my uncle heard of a club putting on a 1970s nostalgia night, he was stunned. He’d lived through the decade and had no plans to revisit it. If they want a true taste of Britain in the ’70s, he said, someone should go and cut the power […]
Twin Peaks The Return Episode 16 (The Rewatch)
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 16 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS NO KNOCK, NO DOORBELL The answer was always there, at the start of every episode. All that time we spent wondering if Cooper would ever fully return, if we’d ever seen Audrey come back again, if whatever evil had infected the world […]
Shirley: Visions of Reality (2013) A Beautiful, Off-Kilter recreation of Edward Hopper’s Painting (Review)
In his book Which Lie Did I Tell?, William Goldman offered a typically pugnacious definition of the difference between a director and a cinematographer: “You say to your cinematographer, ‘I want this to look like a Hopper painting’, and you pray he can do it.” The choice of Edward Hopper […]
Twin Peaks The Return Episode 15 (The Rewatch)
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 15 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS THERE’S SOME FEAR IN LETTING GO In the end, Twin Peaks: The Return is all about time. Arriving after Laura Palmer’s prophesied twenty-five-year interval, it embraces the fact that the world is different now. The Black Lodge has spread its influence, Lucy […]