David Bowie in Labyrinth – Pop Screen 70


Pop Screen’s Bowie month ends in the only way it was ever going to: with a lot of talk about Muppets and ‘packages’. Made during a critical and commercial low point in Bowie’s musical career, this elaborate Jim Henson-directed fantasy nevertheless gave him one of his most celebrated screen roles – and, in its maddeningly catchy musical numbers, gave us easily the most enjoyable songs of his mid-80s lull.

This week, Archaeon rejoins the podcast to talk about traumatic childhood memories, the surprisingly lasting influence of Bowie’s enormous barnet, and the screen career of his young co-star Jennifer Connelly. There are also digressions covering the limited options this movie offers for clickbait writers, the general scariness of 1980s children’s films, and the real reason why we’ve never done a K-pop episode. Come for the crotch jokes, stay to learn which leading modern sculptor voiced one of the puppets!

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David Bowie in Labyrinth

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