Twin Peaks the Return Episode 13 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS WHAT STORY IS THAT, CHARLIE? Since we last saw them, it’s fair to say the Mitchum brothers have been getting along just famously with Cooper. They were introduced as villains and will leave with a testimony to their “hearts of gold”, so […]
Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks The Return Episode 12 (The Rewatch)
Twin peaks the return episode 12 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS LET’S ROCK So, out of David Lynch and Mark Frost, which one’s been spending too much time on the internet? I mention this because episode 12 appears inspired by one of the most extraordinarily silly of online conspiracy theories: the Mandela […]
Twin Peaks The Return Episode 11 (The Rewatch)
Twin Peaks The Return Episode 11 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS THERE’S FIRE WHERE YOU ARE GOING So far, Agent Cooper has spent seven non-consecutive episodes being nothing but completely bizarre, and everyone he meets – from Janey-E to the Detectives Fusco to Bud Mullins – has created a tenuous rational explanation […]
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 10 (The Rewatch)
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 10 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS LAURA IS THE ONE The humour and horror of Twin Peaks are both on full display in episode 10 of The Return, which features some of the series’ biggest laughs and warmest moments – Nadine’s shop! Albert’s date! – but opens […]
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 9 (the Rewatch)
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 9 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS This is the Chair We are now halfway through Twin Peaks: The Return, and the show has reset a little following the astonishing rupture of last week. Episode 9 has a fairly even mix of scenes set in Buckhorn, Las Vegas and […]
Cinema Eclectica 147 – Jack White’s War Theremin
Which David Lynch film should Tim, Aidan and Graham review this week? A voice from between the worlds calls out ‘Do “Fire Walk With Me”!’ – which is the sort-of prequel to Twin Peaks that received scathing reviews upon its release. Considering that only one of us is a big […]
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 8 (The Rewatch)
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 8 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS GOTTA LIGHT? We were warned this was coming. On Instagram Peter Deming, who shot The Return (as well as Lost Highway and Mulholland Drive) said that episode 8 would be unlike anything else you’ve ever seen. In the comments, Sky Ferreira and […]
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 7 (The Rewatch)
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 7 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS THERE’S A BODY ALL RIGHT Let’s begin with the first thing that strikes you on a rewatch. Initially, we were all convinced that Diane’s interview with Mr. C was the most terrifying thing in this episode. It is, indeed, nightmarish, but it […]
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 6 (The Rewatch)
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 6 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS DON’T DIE David Lynch’s plan for Twin Peaks: The Return was to treat it like an epic-length film, which may be why it’s not always easy to remember what scene is in which episode. Episode 6 introduces Diane and Ike the Spike, […]
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 5 (The Rewatch)
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 5 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS CASE FILES And so the mystery of Dr. Jacoby’s shovels comes to the stupidest and greatest conclusion it possibly could. The image of “Dr. Amp” and his “gold shit-digging shovels” was an immediate fan favourite, largely because it was one of the […]