Twin Peaks the Return Episode 4 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS BRINGS BACK SOME MEMORIES We live, regrettably, in a nostalgic age. The standard life cycle of a new geek-targeted film or TV series is this: it is announced something from the past is being brought back. Everyone gets very excited. Then the […]
Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 3 (The Rewatch)
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 3 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS CALL FOR HELP The FBI are back! What are they investigating, according to Miguel Ferrer’s still-peerlessly grouchy Albert Rosenfeld? “The absurd mystery of the strange forces of existence.” Oh. I see. Sounds more like an NSA job to me, but if you’re […]
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 2 (The Rewatch)
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 2 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS THE STARS TURN AND A TIME PRESENTS ITSELF The first two episodes of Twin Peaks were broadcast back-to-back, with the option to watch three and four online. As a result, episode 2 hasn’t had the chance to be considered as its own […]
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 1 (The Rewatch)
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 1 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS MY LOG HAS A MESSAGE FOR YOU Why talk about Twin Peaks: The Return now? Well, for one thing, it’s one of the few modern American prestige dramas whose reputation hasn’t settled now it’s off the air. After Breaking Bad’s last episode […]
Mulholland Drive (2001) It’s no wonder David Lynch’s work inspires such devotion (Review)
“Nah, you’re not thinkin’. You’re too busy being a smart-alec to be thinkin’” The Cowboy If you’ve never seen David Lynch’s 2001 Cannes Best Director winner Mulholland Drive, it’s probably worth stopping reading and buying Studio Canal’s new Blu-Ray restoration right now. That’s normally the kind of recommendation critics save […]