Alfonso Cuaron II (Y Tu Mama Tambien & Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)


What an episode we have this week.

Rob is joined by Ariel & Rabia (Ride the Omnibus) to conclude our two-parter on Alfonso Cuaron, and what we have is probably our biggest left turn in the podcast’s run. To kick things off we talk about Diego Luna and Gael Garcia Bernal’s sexy road trip with Maribel Verdu in Y Tu Mama Tambien. Then we head to the Potterverse with Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, you know? From the Harry Potter? Wild.

After discussing all things Potter, Mexican road Trips and Cuaron we head to the back end of the show in which we discuss all manner of horror films that have since had their streaming or cinema debuts, from Inu-Oh to Speak no Evil. That and a big old, and very interesting, chat about Korean Cinema and TV.

For more about Ariel Baska – For more about Rabia

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Theme A1 Rogue by Podington Bear.

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S2E07: Alfonso Cuaron Part Two

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