The Assistant – Cinema Eclectica Podcast 262


Cinema Eclectica is back for another round-up of the latest streaming titles, this week taking in America and Romania via Japan. First up, Rob lauds Julia Garner’s performance in #MeToo drama The Assistant, then Graham is off to Tokyo with frequent flier Werner Herzog for his haunting new film Family Romance LLC. Are there Herzog impersonations in this review? Gosh, we’d hate to spoil it for you.

Finally it’s back to Rob, who finds a new respect for a movement – the Romanian New Wave – that hasn’t thrilled us in the past. But Corneliu Poromboiu’s The Whistlers isn’t your standard Romanian film, not least because its dialogue is in English, Spanish… and whistling. No, really.

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Tasty Steampunk Beef - Literary Loitering 123

It’s time for another spin on the news wheel of cultural anarchy so round-and-around-and-around we go, and where it stops first is … penguins visiting and art gallery. Looks like we have a winner! After that it’s more usual fare (the word usual is used very loosely), children’s books by children, children’s books […]

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