Na Hong-Jin (the Chaser & The Wailing)


We have escaped from the seemingly never-ending run of two partners and where should we find ourselves but Korea? 

Rob is joined by Ygraine (What a Scream) and Graham (Pop Screen) to discuss the work of Na Hong-Jin, who may not have a big body of work but he does have a big talent. First, we discussed 2008’s the Chaser, which has nothing to do with Bradley Walsh and was allegedly supposed to have an American remake but that thankfully never happened. Then we move on to the modern horror masterpiece, The Wailing. A film which is supernatural, realistic, religious, folk and oh, what’s that, zombies? Save some genres for the rest of the class. 

It’s always a pleasure to talk about Korean Cinema. Following that delicious main course, we concluded the episode by talking about 1899, Hungarian Animation, The Menu, the Devil’s Hour and much, much more. Only one more episode before our huge 2022 review episode, so listen to find out who is next on the pod. A clue, we are back to two partners, again. 

If you enjoyed the show, give it a rating and review on apple podcasts or Spotify, it’d mean the world to us.    

Outro Theme – A1 Rogue: Poddington Bear // Follow the show on TwitterInstagram TikTok

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S2E09: Nah Hong-Jin (the Chaser & The Wailing) Review

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