It’s in the trees! It’s coming! Yes, this week Pop Screen is gleefully hopping on board the Kate Bush bandwagon – what else were we going to do, wait for a new album or tour? – with a look at the Blessed Kate’s two main acting credits. The Line, The Cross and the Curve is her now-disowned directorial debut, released to tie in with her album The Red Shoes and loosely inspired by the Hans Christian Andersen fairytale of that name. Join Graham and Mark Cunliffe of We Are Cult as they dig into its origins and its surprising guest cast, not to mention the surprisingly high number of Doctor Who and David Lynch connections. Well, it is Pop Screen.
But that’s not all! In our first-ever double-bill, we also look at Les Dogs, an instalment in the British comedy anthology series The Comic Strip Presents… where Kate plays a newlywed who Peter Richardson becomes infatuated with. (Well, he’s only human) A notoriously cryptic entry into a series normally defined by anarchic satire, we’re pretty confident that, by the end of this episode, you will know what the hell is going on in this surreal tale of unrequited love set during what seems to be a second English Civil War. Nothing is normal when Kate Bush is involved, and that goes for Pop Screen too. Plus: find out how not to locate the Bayeux tapestry!
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Episode 71: Kate Bush Double Bill
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