4-Panel 52 – Gyrating Dr. Strange


So the Doctor Strange trailer came out. Cue the internet furore. In other news, Ben Affleck will direct and star in his own Batman film, Brian Michael Bendis announces a new Jessica Jones series and Japanese readers pick Shonen Jump’s “most erotic manga”. Our featured comics and manga are Tsubasa […]

2012 in Review: Top Ten

Today is the final day of my series of 2012 posts reviewing the year in cinema, and today it’s the turn of the year’s top 10 films. Just to reiterate what I have previously said, 2012 has been a brilliant year for films to the point that I could have […]

Top 10 Films of 2011

It’s down the final countdown of films in 2011 with this post, in which I count down by 10 favourite films. Once again, I have to stress that this list is made up of films that I enjoyed the most (or as much as one can, given the nature of […]