Doctor Who’s ninth season began with a story that anticipated Marvel’s X-Men and ends with this, a story that anticipates Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace. The dialogue about “women’s lib” between the Master’s unwitting lackeys Ingram and Hyde has the nose-bruising glibness of a classic Rick Dagless/Liz Wool interaction, and the first […]
Doctor Who
Doctor Who A-Z #63: The Mutants (1972)
Everyone knows The Mutants is a bad story. Ever since it was being filmed, when Jon Pertwee first noticed the similarity between the opening scene and Monty Python‘s “It’s…” man, people have been making fun of it. In Doctor Who Magazine‘s Mighty 200 poll, The Time Monster was the only […]
Doctor Who A-Z #62: The Sea Devils (1972)
We’re exactly halfway through Jon Pertwee’s tenure as Doctor now. I’ve had plenty of opportunities to disagree with the consensus on this period of the show so far, and there’ll be even more of that in the second half of Pertwee’s run. Mostly I’ve disagreed in a way which favours […]
Doctor Who A-Z #61: The Curse of Peladon (1972)
Jon Pertwee-era Doctor Who looks and feels very different to William Hartnell-era Doctor Who, and yet behind the scenes there’s still a surprising amount of shared personnel. This serial, for instance, is written by Brian Hayles, who’s been working on the show since 1966’s The Celestial Toymaker. He’s had a […]
Doctor Who A-Z #60: Day of the Daleks (1972)
Steven Moffat once cited The Rescue as one of the most influential stories in Doctor Who‘s history, arguing that while we commemorate the debut of a new Doctor, companion or monster we rarely remember the stories which introduce new ideas, or a different type of story that can be told within this wide-open […]
Doctor Who A-Z #59: The Daemons (1971)
For the second time in as many years, Doctor Who closes a season by closing the book on a particular version of the show. And just like the last time, there isn’t much of a change in the cast and crew to explain the tonal shift. When Season Nine of […]
Doctor Who A-Z #58: Colony in Space (1971)
It’s strange that Colony in Space tends to be the forgotten soldier of Season Eight. It is, after all, the story in which the Third Doctor gets to travel to an alien planet for the first time, ending an Earth-based format which a considerable number of fans find hard to […]
Doctor Who A-Z #57: The Claws of Axos (1971)
Bob Baker and Dave Martin have a reputation in Doctor Who fandom as undisciplined writers, a reputation that comes in part from the production of this, their first script for the show. The Claws of Axos was originally intended as a Patrick Troughton seven-parter and ended up being broadcast as […]
Doctor Who A-Z #56: The Mind of Evil (1971)
A contemporary audience would not have seen The Mind of Evil as a throwback. Two stories in to Jon Pertwee’s second season, and Doctor Who is already hard to recognise as the same show Patrick Troughton and William Hartnell starred in. Don Houghton’s story also features the show’s newest ingredient, […]
Doctor Who A-Z #55: Terror of the Autons (1971)
Here he comes, folks. The Autons might be the headline monsters but there’s no question who steals the show. In introducing the Doctor’s most frequent enemy, Terror of the Autons makes good use of the show’s recurring props, with a gently modified version of the TARDIS materialisation sound effect heralding […]