Continuing from yesterday where the classic film kid talked out his general thoughts and feelings on the season, today brings us to the main event of his Series 12 Doctor Who coverage. SPOILER ALERT This is the main part of my doctor who coverage, fully summing up my opinions on […]
Doctor Who Series 12, Part 1 – Classic Film Kid
SPOILER ALERT We have a lot of stuff to unpack here. If you haven’t fully seen the season yet, please read this review after you’ve watched the finale. Hello, it’s the Classic Film Kid here, and with another series of Doctor Who over and done, it’s time to take a […]
Twin Peaks The Return Episode 18 (The Rewatch)
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 18 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS WHAT IS YOUR NAME? LA-based viewers of the Twin Peaks finale felt unsettled when Dale Cooper drove up to Eat At Judy’s. This isn’t an unusual feeling when watching Twin Peaks: rewatching this episode, I felt deeply uncomfortable waiting for the […]
Twin Peaks The Return Episode 17 (The Rewatch)
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 17 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS THE PAST DICTATES THE FUTURE David Lynch once admitted to being “fascinated” by the spread of grey hair on his head. As responses to the ageing process go, it’s not one that’s widely shared. Yet you can see its benefits all over […]
Twin Peaks The Return Episode 16 (The Rewatch)
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 16 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS NO KNOCK, NO DOORBELL The answer was always there, at the start of every episode. All that time we spent wondering if Cooper would ever fully return, if we’d ever seen Audrey come back again, if whatever evil had infected the world […]
Twin Peaks The Return Episode 15 (The Rewatch)
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 15 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS THERE’S SOME FEAR IN LETTING GO In the end, Twin Peaks: The Return is all about time. Arriving after Laura Palmer’s prophesied twenty-five-year interval, it embraces the fact that the world is different now. The Black Lodge has spread its influence, Lucy […]
Twin Peaks The Return Episode 14 (The Rewatch)
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 14 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS WE ARE LIKE THE DREAMER The White Lodge is a place beyond linear time, without cause and effect, a place where American fans might be watching episode 13 of Twin Peaks: The Return, and German fans might be watching episode 14. […]
Twin Peaks The Return Episode 12 (The Rewatch)
Twin peaks the return episode 12 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS LET’S ROCK So, out of David Lynch and Mark Frost, which one’s been spending too much time on the internet? I mention this because episode 12 appears inspired by one of the most extraordinarily silly of online conspiracy theories: the Mandela […]
Twin Peaks The Return Episode 11 (The Rewatch)
Twin Peaks The Return Episode 11 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS THERE’S FIRE WHERE YOU ARE GOING So far, Agent Cooper has spent seven non-consecutive episodes being nothing but completely bizarre, and everyone he meets – from Janey-E to the Detectives Fusco to Bud Mullins – has created a tenuous rational explanation […]
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 10 (The Rewatch)
Twin Peaks the Return Episode 10 MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS LAURA IS THE ONE The humour and horror of Twin Peaks are both on full display in episode 10 of The Return, which features some of the series’ biggest laughs and warmest moments – Nadine’s shop! Albert’s date! – but opens […]